Angular mocking XHRBackend: how to call mockRespond

I’m adding unit tests to my API and had a bit of bother mocking the API response. However after a lot of console.log and much head scratching I found some voodoo that works.


1 . Josh Morony’s blog post said the call is

connection.mockRespond ( new Response ( newResponseOptions(...

That didn’t work for me, I had to use

connection.mockRespond ( newResponseOptions ( body: myObjects

2. But that’s not all, my live response (from a MS WebApi) has a ._body property, my mocked response has a .body. So I had to do something like this

if(res['body']){ //works with mocks
}else if(res['_body']){//works in live system

I started with this complete example:

git clone

(The version numbers of the npm packages have to be compatible)

And worked through this blog post (and others!):

Test Driven Development in Ionic 2: Http and Mocks

This would have been a lot easier if I could figure out how to attach a debugger to Karma, no luck with that so far. Anyhow my complete dummy-service.spec.ts (including code for the service) is…

(just as soon as i figure out how to paste code into wordpress…)

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import { Http, HttpModule, XHRBackend, ResponseOptions, Response } from '@angular/http';
import { TestBed, inject } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { MockBackend } from '@angular/http/testing';

export class DummyService {
  constructor(public http:Http){}
    console.log('DummyService Test1 F');
      console.log('DummyService Test1 G got ' + JSON.stringify(res));
      if(res['body'] && res['body']['access_token']){
        this.access_token = res['body']['access_token']; //works with mocks
        console.log('loginUser got token from body (we are using a mock)');
      }else if(res['_body'] && JSON.parse(res['_body']) 
&& JSON.parse(res['_body']).access_token){
        this.access_token = JSON.parse(res['_body']).access_token; //works with live system
        console.log('loginUser got token from _body (we are live)');
      console.log('access_token is ' + this.access_token);

describe ('DummyService http method',()=>{
          {provide: XHRBackend, useClass:MockBackend},

  it('should call get and get response',inject([DummyService, XHRBackend],(dummyService, mockBackend)=>{

    console.log('DummyService Test1 A');

    let r1 = "hello"; //works
    let r2 = "{access_token:'SOMETOKEN'}"; //works
    let r3 =  //doesn't work, service gets empty object {}
        new Response(
            new ResponseOptions(
                body: "here is the info"
    let r4 = JSON.stringify(r3);//doesn't work, service gets empty object {}
    let r5 = new ResponseOptions( //aha THIS is the bunny...
            body: {access_token:'SOMETOKEN'}

        console.log('DummyService Test1 D v4 r5');

    console.log('DummyService Test1 B');


    console.log('DummyService Test1 C');




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